Oh how much I love you podcast, how do I begin to count the ways?! Perhaps beginning with the ‘oldie-locks alerts’, or wait I think it should be how Margaret makes me feel like what I’ve been stressing about is just a phase and not worth the worry lines and ya, ‘it’s fine’! Nope, I got it, it HAS to be the fact that no matter what kind of fresh hell I’ve been cracking up in all day long, my stress magically melts into a sense that it’s all going to be ok when I turn y’all on because hey, after all your schtick is, ‘solving today’s parenting dilemmas so I don’t have to’, right?! Thank you for all of the solid advice, soul shaking revelations, game-changing bits of advice, and all of the laughs that come along with this wonderful gift of a podcast in my life 🤘 Cheers to you both!!
Oct. 25, 2021 by jxjdjjduddj on Apple Podcasts