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What Fresh Hell


April 11, 2022

Ask Amy: Helping Kids Deal With Comparison and Envy

When kids reach school age they become aware of what others might think. Social comparison with peers comes into play– and when another kid gets “student of the week” or a T-ball grand slam or any benchmark of childhood achievement, …

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April 8, 2022

Fresh Take: Britt Hawthorne on Antiracist Parenting

Starting the conversation about racism with kids is tricky. But there is a way to instill curiosity, engagement, and excitement in both yourself and your child as you embark on your journey to practice antiracism each and every day.

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April 6, 2022

Why Is This a Thing?

From bikinis for six-year-olds to leprechaun traps to over-the-top holiday traditions, there are so many trends and traditions that shouldn’t exist. We asked our listeners what shouldn’t be a thing anymore, and they responded in force…

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April 4, 2022

Ask Margaret - How Should I Enforce Bedtime?

When your child’s 8 p.m. bedtime becomes 9 p.m. and then 10 p.m., it's called “bedtime creep." How can we enforce better and more consistent rules around bedtime and get everyone more sleep?

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April 1, 2022

Fresh Take: Cat and Nat on Being Mom BFFs

Cat and Nat’s hilarious #momtruths videos have garnered millions of views. They’re also best friends in real life. They tell us about their new book CAT AND NAT’S MOM SECRETS, and why a good marriage helps, but what we all …

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March 30, 2022

Spoiled Kids (And How Not To Have Them)

We might think “kids today” get away with more than we did, but people have complained about “spoiled” children since the 1600s. What does it mean for a kid to be spoiled? How can we avoid raising our own spoiled …

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March 28, 2022

Ask Amy: My Kid Is Dealing With a Bully

When our kid is being bullied, how do we intervene without making things worse? And what if the bully is a former friend? The key is finding a way protect your kids without going full-on Mama Bear.

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March 25, 2022

Fresh Take: Bobbi Rebell on Raising Financially Aware Kids

Bobbi Rebell is the author of the new book LAUNCHING FINANCIAL GROWNUPS. In this interview, she explains how to discuss financial matters with our kids early and often, in order to raise young people who understand money once they leave …

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March 23, 2022

Toxic Positivity

“Toxic positivity” has become a buzzword, but what does it actually mean and why is it that we feel a need to put a silver lining on all of our rain clouds? In this episode we unearth the science behind …

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March 21, 2022

Ask Margaret - My Kid Hates Getting Their Hair Washed!

Bath time can be a fun-time splash-o-rama or it can be a tantrum-fest. So what do we do when it's the latter and our kids absolutely refuse to get their hair washed? Like, “scream and cry” refuse? Margaret takes us …

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March 18, 2022

Fresh Take: Abby Medcalf on Relationships That Work

Abby Medcalf, author of “Be Happily Married, Even if Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing,” and host of the “Relationships Made Easy” Podcast, discusses how to move out of competition mindset with our partners and into cooperation and connection.

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March 16, 2022

Kid Crushes and Dating

When you find out about a little kid's crush it may be the first time you are learning something "secret" about them. We talk about kid crushes, tweens’ dating habits, and how to talk to your kid if they have …

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March 14, 2022

Ask Amy: How Should I Deal With Comments About My Kid's Size?

People’s comments about how tiny our child is, or how chubby, can really get to us– even when it’s intended as a compliment, or at least as a sincere inquiry. Here’s what to say when nosy strangers, neighbors, or relatives …

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March 11, 2022

Fresh Take: Sara Dean on Thinking Bigger

How can we think bigger even when we don’t have time to shower? How can we stop shrinking and start shining? We talk about how to live bigger, bolder and braver with Sara Dean, host of The Shameless Mom Academy …

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March 9, 2022

Grudges Held, Grudges Kept

We asked our listeners to tell us about their pettiest and most long-held grudges. From spelling-bee unfairness to pumpkin-farm price gouging, we spill the tea on our own petty grudges and share some of your most hilarious answers.

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March 7, 2022

Ask Margaret - Should I Take My Kids to Disney World?

Some families are "all Disney all the time". Some prefer “one and done.” And for some folks the very idea is a "nope, never". Margaret talks about her own family’s recent trip to Disney World and her ideas on making …

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March 4, 2022

Fresh Take: Amee Severson on Intuitive Eating For Our Families

Intuitive eating starts with believing our kids deserve to feel lovable, worthy, and accepted, no matter what their bodies look like. Nutritionist Amee Severson, co-author of HOW TO RAISE AN INTUITIVE EATER, tells us how to start living that message.

Episode page
March 2, 2022

Being "Safe Spaces" For Our Kids

We’ve all had it happen: Grandma says the kids were perfect angels for her all weekend, and then they’re crying and fighting as soon as we get them home. Do we really have to be “safe spaces” for our kids’ …

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Feb. 28, 2022

Ask Amy: The Kids Make Me Nuts While I'm Driving!

Working parents could really use their commuting time to decompress. Kids prefer to use that time explaining every single thing that happened that day. How do you balance the need to share with the equally valid need for a little …

Episode page
Feb. 25, 2022

Fresh Take: Taylor Harris on Motherhood, Genetics, and Facing the Unk…

A mother whose child is struggling “shoulders the burdens of discerning the why,” as Taylor Harris explains in her book THIS BOY WE MADE. And when teams of experts try their best but can provide no answers, parents have to …

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Feb. 23, 2022

Better Then? Or Better Now?

Anyone old enough to have enjoyed the Super Bowl halftime show also has strong opinions about what other things were definitely better Back in the Day. In this episode we decide whether some things are better then or better now- …

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Feb. 21, 2022

Ask Margaret - When Should My Kids Start Sharing a Room?

Having your kids share a room creates more space, but it can also create a whole host of problems, from late-night shenanigans to siblings waking each other up way too early. Margaret explains how the pros and cons have played …

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Feb. 18, 2022

Fresh Take: The Dumb Dads

The Dumb Dads make some of the funniest content in the parenting space. Margaret talks with Evan and Kevin about where they find their inspiration and about their Clark Kent lives as stay-at-home dads.

Episode page
Feb. 16, 2022

That's No Longer Interesting To Me

Life can get better when you stop caring. Whether it’s celebrity culture, making our kids dress appropriately for the weather, rinsing rice, or checking the scale in the morning, here are things that are no longer interesting to us and …

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